The write stuff
Lye, WEM 2023, ‘Use of AI in legal practice’
Lye, WEM 2021, ‘Opportunities for Australian Lawyers and Mediators’, talk presented at a seminar/webinar organised by William Forster Chambers on the topic ‘Australia’s accession to the Singapore Convention on Mediation. What does it mean for our lawyers and mediators?’ on 7 October 2021 in Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia
Lye, WEM, Counseling Client Across National Cultures ‘The Five Rs of Multicultural Lawyering’ in Kimberley E O’Leary and Mable Martin-Scott (eds), Multicultural Lawyering. Navigating the Culture of the Law, the Lawyer, and the Client (Carolina Academic Press LLC, 2021), 258, 259-280.
Lye, WEM 2020, ‘Celebrating Asian Australian Lawyers - from William Ah Ket to today’, panel discussion at a Zoom webinar presented by the Asian Law Centre, University of Melbourne, 19 May 2020
Lye, WEM 2020, ‘Advocacy and the basics of Mooting’, talk presented at a Zoom Seminar organised by an informal association of Monash Law Mooters on 13 May 2020
Lye, WEM 2019. ‘Trends of challengers made against arbitrators’, talk presented at the Regional Arbitral Institutes Forum 2019 in Brunei on 6 December 2019
Lye, WEM 2019, ‘SC, S.C., QC, KC - What do they all mean?', The National Magazine of The Order of Australia Association, August 2019, 56th edition
Lye, WEM 2019, Short speech delivered at the launch of the North American Australian Lawyers Alliance Incorporated at Norton Rose Fulbright, 11 June 2019
Lye, WEM 2019, ‘Practical Understanding of professional responsibility’, talk presented at Swinburne Law School on 10 January 2019
Lye, WEM 2017, 'William Ah Ket Inaugural Scholarship 2017", Remarks made at the Maddocks on the launch of the William Ah Ket Scholarship, 21 November 2017
Lye, WEM 2017, "Leadership by Mentoring and Sponsoring", Remarks made the the AGM of the Asian Australian Lawyers Association, 8 November 2017
Lye, WEM 2017. "Disruption by getting diversity into arbitration panels", 2 August 2017
Lye, WEM 2017, "Chinese Australians: Contribution and Status: Where are the Chinese Australians today?", presented at Proceedings of the Chinese Community Council of Australia, Victorian Chapter, Beyond the New Gold Mountain National Conference, RMIT Building 80, 24 June
Lye, WEM 2017, "International Arbitration", Opening Remarks presented at Aitken Partners Seminar to the Jiangsu Lawyers delegation, Level 28, 140 William Street, Melbourne on 30 May 2017
Truong, C, and Lye, WEM 2017, "The Rise of Asian Litigants in Commercial Disputes", presented at Foley's List Commercial CPD Seminar Series, Ground Floor Auditorium, Monash University Law Chambers on 15 March 2017
Lye, WEM 2016, Monash University Graduation Address, International Student Ceremony, presented at Robert Blackwood Hall on 14 December 2016
Lye, WEM 2016, "Chinese in Australia", talk presented at the Sir Zelman Cowen Centre for the Jiangsu Bar Association legal education program, 19 August
Lye, WEM 2016, "Women in Asia: Understanding diversity and Building Skills", paper presented at the Asialink Business Women in Asia seminar at PwC, 20 June
Lye, WEM 2016, "Doing Business in China: Helping your Client Navigate IP", paper presented at the Law Institute of Victoria 2016 PD Intensive on Intellectual Property, 17 March
Lye, WEM 2015, "Engaging the Asian Legal Market and Strategies Moving Forward", paper presented at the Victorian Bar and LIV Conference 2015, Melbourne, Australia, 9 October
Lye, WEM 2015, "Is there a bamboo ceiling preventing Chinese Australians from achieving their share of Australian leadership positions in the legal profession?", Proceedings of the Chinese Community Council of Australia, Victorian Chapter, Melbourne, Australia, 15 September
Wilson, J, and Lye, WEM 2013, “Arb-Med in Hong Kong: Corrected Position Or Enduring Suspicion?” The Arbitrator & Mediator. Vol . 32(2), 47-54
Lye, W, and Maritz PA 2011, “Pre-empting the Market”, paper presented at the Innovativity Program, Advanced Manufacturing Co-operative Research Centre, Sebel Hotel, Melbourne, 2 June
Lye, W 2010, “Engaging the Dragon: the Need for Cultural Intelligence”, Australian Institute of International Affairs, Dyason House, Melbourne, Australia, 12 May
Lye, WEM, and Maritz, PA 2009, “The divergence of Eastern and Western cultural and personality traits of entrepreneurs engaged in commercial negotiations”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Globalization and Technology Innovation, X’ian, China, August
Lye, W 2009, “The Chinese Diaspora Worldwide - Entrepreneurship and Corporate Social Responsibility in the face of global warming and climate change issues”, Proceedings of the World Chinese Economic Forum, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 16 November
Lye, W 2009, “Advanced Commercial Negotiation and Mediation Skills”, paper presented at the Continuing Professional Development Intensive Seminar, Leo Cussen Institute, Medina Grand Hotel, Melbourne, 27 March
Lye, W 2009, "Instructing Private Practitioners and/or Barristers. A Practical Guide.", paper presented at the Continuing Professional Development programmed arranged by Leo Cussen Institute in the seminar series Risk Management Intensive for In-House Counsel, 20 March