When you pass on your knowledge, you have not lost it.
— Anonymous

William's diverse background and extensive experience enable him to bring a unique perspective to any given topic. He is passionate about sharing his ideas and is available to speak at a range of events, including team building seminars, conferences, strategic retreats, association seminars, and community events.

William firmly believes that when people collaborate, they enhance the strength and impact of their ideas. As a result, he is committed to fostering collaboration and sharing knowledge to help drive positive change and growth.

With an interest in various topics, William is available to speak on a range of subjects, including:

  • Know yourself and know the other

  • You cannot be what you cannot see

  • If you want to see the view, you have to climb the mountain

  • Sharing knowledge does not diminish your own

  • Success is not final, failure is not fatal

  • The future is what you make it

  • The 5Rs of engagement with Asia

  • Convergence and divergence

  • Opportunity evaluation

  • The importance of cultural intelligence

  • Asian attitudes towards litigation and mediation

  • Eastern strategies of negotiation

  • Old-school thinking, new-school execution

  • International mediation practice

“You cannot be what you cannot see”– Marian Wright Edelman'

A seminar presented at the Asian Law Centre, The University of Melbourne

On 21 November 2017, the Asian Australian Lawyers Association launched the William Ah Ket Scholarship and announced the inaugural winner.  Below is an interview with Naomi Woodley about the event.